Canine Hydrotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre - Kildare

Photo Gallery

Happy Swimmer!
Dog enjoying a swim in our pool
Canine Hydrotherapy Centre
Swimming Pool
Our large heated indoor swimming pool
Wide non slip ramp
View of the Grooming Parlour
The wash room in the Grooming Parlour
View of the Grooming Parlour
Wash Room in the Grooming Parlour
Physio Treatment Room
Underwater Treadmill
Physiotherapy Treatment Room
Underwater Treadmill
Our hydrotherapist swimming with a patient
A life jacket gives the dog confidence
Our hydrotherapist in action
A life jacket gives confidence
Our hydrotherapist swimming with a patient
A life jacket gives the dog confidence
Swimming with our hydrotherapist in the heated indoor pool
A large non slip ramp helps the dogs into and out of the pool safely and confidently


10% Discount Offer We're open 7 days a week - 9am-9pm