Canine Hydrotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre - Kildare

Treatment Rates

Treatment Costs for Dogs

Hydrotherapy (Pool Based)
Price in Euro
Swim Session
Underwater Treadmill
Single Session
Single Treatment
Indiba Treatment
Single Treatment

What will happen if I arrive late or miss my appointment?

Up to 15 minutes late - we will start the swim but your dog(s) will be required to leave the pool area on time to enable the next client's appointment to start punctually.

Over 15 minutes late - we may let the next client start their dogs swimming and try to fit you in at the end of their appointment. This will not always be possible to do. In either case the full charge will apply.

Missed appointments - The full charge will apply.

Cancellations - We require a minimum of 24 hours notice otherwise the full charge will apply.

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Treatment Programmes

Please note that we advise that the animal receives a course of at least 3 sessions in order to see an improvement in their condition. Average frequency of swims is twice weekly initially, reducing as the condition improves. Extended courses are also recommended to maintain success long term.


Intensive Rehabilitation Programme

This programme is designed for patients needing intensive therapy, for example paralysis or following spinal surgery. Depending on your pet's needs and condition the session may include work in the pool or water treadmill.

€55 per pool session

€55 per treadmill session

Advanced rehabilitation programme

This programme has been designed to assist with pre-operative conditioning, post-operative treatment (commonly fracture and ligament repairs), cardiovascular fitness and arthritic complaints.

€55 per session

Maintenance rehabilitation programme

This programme involves pool or water treadmill based exercise only. It has been designed as a follow up course after completion of an advanced rehabilitation programme or for dogs 9 years or older and younger dogs with mild hip dysplasia or osteoarthritis.

€55 per pool session

€55 per treadmill session

Senior programme

This programme is aimed at maintaining the mobility and fitness in dogs aged 10 years and over, in particular dogs suffering from arthritis and related conditions. The programme may include pool or water treadmill exercise, depending on your pet's needs.

€55 per session

Obesity programme

This programme is pool based exercise designed to assist with weight loss in conjunction with a veterinary recommended diet. This course is not available as single sessions since obesity management requires a long term treatment plan.

€55 per session

Buy 10 Sessions for €550 and get the 11th session FREE.

Fitness and Stamina

This is a fitness programme for dogs without injury, e.g. agility or working dogs.

€55 per session

Buy 10 Sessions for €550 and get the 11th session FREE.

Methods of Payment  

Please note that fees must be paid for in advance or at the time of treatment (depending on course type). We accept payment by cash or cheque.

Some pet insurance policies include cover for hydrotherapy treatment. We advise you check your individual policy prior to commencing hydrotherapy treatment.

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10% Discount Offer We're open 7 days a week - 9am-9pm

We accept payment by cash or cheque