Canine Hydrotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre - Kildare

How to make an appointment

An individual therapy plan will be drawn up for each patient by the physiotherapist based on their past history, current condition and mobility.

If you feel that your pet would benefit from Hydrotherapy at the Canine Rehabilitation and Hydrotherapy Centre, please discuss this with your Veterinary Surgeon or contact us on 045 899590.

You can print out a copy of the referral form for your vet to fill in or they can print it out themselves.

You or your referring Veterinary Surgeon will fill in the referral form for your pet and fax, post or email it to the Hydrotherapy Centre. If you are referring your own dog it will be necessary for the physiotherapist to assess on your first visit whether your pet is suitable for the hydrotherapy treatment.

You can phone the Canine Hydrotherapy Centre to make an appointment or the hydrotherapy team will ring you once the referral form has arrived at the Hydrotherapy Centre.

The hydrotherapy team will remain in contact with your vet and provide him or her with a regular update on your pet’s progress.

For any questions or information please do not hesitate to ring us at the Canine Rehabilitation and Hydrotherapy Centre on 045 899590.

To download the referral form please click here



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