Our Breed – The Hovawart
We are delighted to introduce you to our own dogs, a rather rare breed, the Hovawart. Our Hovawarts are usually to be found around the entrance gate ready to welcome our guests.

The Hovawart dating back to the middle ages originated in Germany and come in 3 colours, Blond, Black and Black and Gold. There are only about 25 in Ireland and we are working to develop the breed in this country.
Our dogs are pets first and foremost but we are delighted that they have won numerous prizes at championship shows throughout Ireland and the UK.
We are endeavouring to develop the breed in Ireland and have recently imported a bitch from Poland which we hope to breed with one of our dogs in the near future. Prospective customers for puppies are put through a rigourous screening process before being considered for the waiting list.
Check out the breed on www.HovawartClubofIreland.com